Title: Lt. Williams on the Color Front
Author: Christopher C. Bell Jr.
Publisher: America Star Books
ISBN: 978-1681768373
Pages: 196
Genre: Literature & Fiction / Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
For many in the world, the fight to end discrimination has become one of the biggest and longest fought battles they will ever tackle. In a world with a long and storied history of violence and rapid discrimination based on everything from sexuality and gender to race and the specific color of a person’s skin, the fight against discrimination has become a rallying cry for many, and as Nelson Mandela once said, “We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.”
In author Christopher C. Bell Jr.’s Lt. Williams on the Color Front, the author explores discrimination in the heat of battle and war, as one man must fight multiple battles all around him. The story follows Lt. Williams, the first man of color to be placed in charge of an all-white platoon. Facing prejudice and hardship from both his squad and his superiors, the man must find a way of leading and gaining the respect of those around him in this tumultuous time in post-WW2 Germany, while also dealing with his complex feelings for his girlfriend back home while meeting an array of women in Germany who seek his attention.
This is such a captivating and engaging historical fiction read. The author brilliantly captures the raw emotions and feelings of discrimination in this era and how it impacted soldiers and leaders within the military. The way the author was able to delve into the main character’s mindset and the emotional impact which the actions and words of those around him had on him was so gripping to read, and the unique setting of Germany at a time when many soldiers were being shipped over to Korea to fight in a new war was a breath of fresh air and allowed the racial divide and the fight to cross that divide the proper attention it deserved. What was really amazing to see was the author’s ability to balance the military plotlines with the more personal character growth of Lt. Williams himself, as he interacts with both his fellow soldiers and the local populace in Germany. From tempting romances and promising friendships to tense and gritty rivalries within his unit and even with a local police officer, the author explored both racial tensions and hardships with cultural differences and approaches to life as a whole so perfectly.
The author crafted the perfect read for those who enjoy historical fiction and genre fiction reads, primarily those which deal with racial tension and discrimination within a military setting, and a small blend of romance and strong character growth. As a fan of this genre of storytelling, I found the unique timeline and perspective to be refreshing to read, and the story captivating from the very first chapter.
A culturally enriching, engaging, and thoughtful historical fiction read, author Christopher C. Bell Jr.’s Lt. Williams on the Color Front is a must-read genre fiction novel. The tension and drama within the novel as Lt. Williams becomes the leader of this platoon and the shocking look at how soldiers of color were treated and looked upon even after the horrors of WW2 made this story so emotional yet educational, and made for story readers won’t be able to put down.