Title: Mind. Money. Matter: Pan African Integration in the 21st Century
Author: Emeke Iwieriebor
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1649082329
Pages: 254
Genre: Economics
Reviewed by: Nicole Olson

Hollywood Book Reviews

Emeke Iwieriebor’s informative book Mind. Money. Matter: Pan African Integration in the 21st Century explores the economy of Africa and how it fits in global trade. This book is an excellent read for students of economics and financial experts alike. Iwieriebor provides important insight and key findings about Africa’s economic potential and new economic development which has taken place in the last 100 years.

Iwieriebor’s work challenges what many people may think about Africa’s economy. I was shocked to see the facts and figures he provides throughout the book. I feel that students and financial professionals should be exposed to more information and ideas found in Iwieriebor’s book. There is an entire world beyond what is happening on Wall Street and so many people forget to consider it when they are investing money and saving for retirement. While everyone wants to be in the S&P 500 they do not consider the global economy and the potential of investing on other continents. This informative read provides clarity to any foreign investor who is interested in learning about Africa’s growing economic prowess.

While readers learn a great deal about Africa as a continent in Iwieriebor’s book – his premise is to describe the need for Pan-African Integration. This means the joining together of various African groups. He describes that as a continent Africa has a great deal of potential, however since Africa is broken up into smaller countries ruled by various people groups – they are unable to experience this potential. I think integrating an entire continent can be a difficult feat – especially when each country has its distinct people and culture. Iwieriebor shows how Pan-African integration would affect Africa as well as the global economy. He uses sound financial, economic and historic analysis to tell the story of money in Africa.

Iwieriebor clearly describes the progression of economies across the African continent. His research is clear and easy to follow. He approaches a difficult topic with ease – his expertise and passion for Pan-African Integration shines through his writing. After describing various Perspectives on Inter-African trade, Iwieriebor dives into how the continent of Africa is financed. This chapter was very interesting as I never considered what it would take to finance an entire continent. The remainder of the book describes major industries in Africa – this book is full of everything you need to know about African economies and how they intertwine. Iwieriebor’s book allows for anyone to become well-versed on an important piece of the global economy – Africa.

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