Title: My Personal War Within: “A Struggle to Find Inner Peace “
Author: Ted Bagley
Publisher: Writers Branding LLC
ISBN: 978-1953048141
Pages: 154
Genre: Self-Help / Personal Transformation
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
For centuries the struggle for equality between those of different ethnicities has been a battle that many have fought. One of the greatest struggles, in our modern times especially, is to get people to understand that equal rights for the black community does not take away from the white community. As Maya Angelou once said, “It is impossible to struggle for civil rights, equal rights for blacks, without including whites. Because equal rights, fair play, justice, are all like the air: we all have it, or none of us has it. That is the truth of it.”
In author Ted Bagley’s book My Personal War Within: “A Struggle to Find Inner Peace,” the author explores his life and the lessons he learned as he struggled with growing up in Birmingham, Alabama and faced the challenges of his community during the fight for the Civil Rights Movement. Later he recounts his journey to join the military, his return home, and how he used the lessons of his parents along with his beliefs to fuel his journey and his own personal war within.
This is a well-written, fast and engaging read. The author eloquently takes readers not only through the path of his own life and what he experienced personally, but touches upon the greater struggle for equality and freedom for everyone. Through the author’s eyes, readers are able to feel the struggle to love those who would never think to love them in return, the pain of seeing hatred around every corner, and the fight to find the inner strength given to him by his parents’ teachings.
This is a book for those who enjoy non-fiction, memoir style self-help books and non-fiction reads which speak of a personal transformation. The author utilizes his own personal experiences to guide readers to their own individual transformations, hoping his own struggles will allow others to learn from the mistakes of the past and find a way of living together with one another in harmony; a lesson the people of our world desperately need during these tumultuous times.
Powerful, engaging and a book which is impossible to put down, My Personal War Within: “A Struggle to Find Inner Peace” by Ted Bagley is a fantastic and morally emotional book. A must-read non-fiction memoir, this is the perfect read for a time in our modern history where the lessons of the past could not be more important. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy of this amazing book.