Title: Nifty Neighbors: Mr. Rogers and Jesus Christ
Author: Tracy Emerick PhD
Publisher: ‎ Brookside Press
ISBN: 978-1778831010
Pages: 78
Genre: Inspirational
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert

Hollywood Book Reviews

Altogether this is a succinct work which captures the attention with its fascinating subject matter which juxtaposes the precepts, personalities and lives, of children’s television star Mr. Rogers: and that of Jesus Christ. While this book is an empowering discourse for great neighborly behavior, it also presents to the mind a more spiritually satisfying path of living and engaging others by treating your fellow man with the same respect and love you would want for yourself.

To begin with, the cover of the book attracts the eye and attention with the powerful image of two hands offered in friendship behind a cross with thorny vines wrapped around the hands as well as beautiful flowers draped across the front of the cross with a background of a city street. Consequently, the image of the cover not only does a great job of garnering the attention but also sets the tone for this wonderful, absorbing book by conveying the message of the potential difficulty of comradery in this modern world which can often be “thorny.”

Next, the meat of the book, the context which spans nine well posed chapters, all of which are worthy of reading time and again, as they delve into important as well as inspiring tenets for a more spiritually balanced life. In addition, the work is multifaceted by virtue of the well-known representatives Mr. Rogers and Jesus Christ, delve into both the lay (non-religious) and the religious approach to being a good neighbor.

Moreover, author Tracy Emerick aptly explores the subject matter in an organized and lucid way, by examining and expounding on a variety of complementary facets of being a good neighbor. She also includes some wonderfully engaging vignettes as well as Biblical references including parables, demonstrating scenarios of inspiring neighborly behavior.
Overall, the subjects of each of the chapters include topics like; What’s a Neighbor, Won’t You be my Neighbor, Nifty Neighbor Character: The Good Samaritan, Our Television Neighbor Mr. Rogers, 12 Good Neighbor lessons from Mr. Rogers, Jesus Christ, The Neighbor in the Bible and much more.

As a whole, Nifty Neighbors: Mr. Rogers and Jesus Christ by author Tracy Emerick PhD, made for an engrossing read that I enjoyed, the narrative was well written, thorough, intelligent as well as generally inspiring readers. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone from any walk of life, seeing as life goes on and this world becomes increasingly populated, humanity is going to have a lot more neighbors and what better way to get along with each other, than to follow the lead of Mr. Rogers and Jesus Christ!