Title: One Almighty
Author: S.S. Sunner
Publisher: Workbook Press
ISBN: 978-1-95275434-0
Genre: Poetry
Pages: 207
Reviewed by: Ella Vincent
Hollywood Book Reviews
One Almighty is an inspiring collection of poems about God and spirituality. S.S. Sunner’s collection of poetry is one that readers will remember for a long time.
One Almighty collection of poems about Sunner’s relationship with God includes poems such as “ His Highness”, the narrator of the poem speaks about God’s goodness: “He is the future/He is now/Wonderful/One can say wow.” In another poem, “Creator,” a narrator also speaks about singing God’s praises: “We should just sing his song/Singing him can’t get wrong.” In “Endless,” a narrator in the poem expresses gratitude for nature: “Universe is God gifted/Endless and is unlimited.”
Sunner’s writing is very expressive and clearly shows his faith in God. Sunner’s writing is very effusive in his belief in God and his faith in God blessing his life. In addition to his faith in God, Sunner also writes about how a person believing in themselves can help achieve their goals in poems such as “Mount”: “Work hard, you will achieve/ We can do it if we believe.” Sunner writes so convincingly about how faith helps people that readers should be moved by the emotion in the poems.
He drives home the message that material things aren’t as important as spirituality in April: “All that glitters is not gold/worldly things we cannot hold.” Sunner’s writing is very evocative and readers can easily imagine the elements of nature that Sunner holds in awe. The combination of confidence and humility in the poems show a positivity that shines through the text. One Almighty is also helpfully divided into separate sections that describe the months of the year, and writes so eloquently about how nature and spirituality can mix together.
Sunner’s writing would be best for readers who want to read about spirituality and how religion has positively influenced their lives. One Almighty is best for readers who like religious poems from writers such as C.S. Lewis. Sunner’s book could be featured in religious book clubs or in poetry clubs. The book could also be beneficial to readers who need encouragement on their spiritual journey. The book would also be ideal for religious people who want to learn more about religion and artistic testimonies about faith. Even readers who aren’t religious can find inspiration in the text as well.
One Almighty is a collection of poems that readers will love. Sunner has written a book that will inspire readers.