Title: Polyxena: A Story of Troy
Author: H. Allenger
Publisher: Book Savvy International
ISBN: 979-8986437033
Pages: 478
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

Hollywood Book Reviews

In literature, some of the most profound moments of time can be found in tragedy. From the tragic accident that takes a beloved one, to the long fight with an illness that ultimately takes a parent, or even the more fantastic elements of fiction that sees entire planets caught in a cosmic war, tragedy shows us who we are in our most vulnerable moments and pushes us to find meaning and life after tragedy strikes. The most profound users of tragedy in storytelling as a culture had to be the ancient Greeks, and their mythology.

In author H. Allenger’s Polyxena: A Story of Troy, the author explores an iconic Greek tragedy and myth surrounding the Trojan War. As the fall of Troy occurs, the infamous daughter of King Priam, Polyxena, is wanted by the Greeks to face judgement for rejecting the advances of her captor. Telling her story to the goddess Aphrodite, Polyxena recounts her role in the war, where she was sent to secure an alliance with the famous Amazons. After their defeat at the hands of Achilles, she and the famed hero fall in love, hiding their love in secret. Soon tragedy strikes as her brothers learn of their forbidden relationship, and their machinations lead to one tragedy after another.

The author did such an amazing job of conveying strong emotional story developments and balancing them with rich character dynamics. Polyxena is a wonderful narrator, bringing the events of her life to readers with such clarity that readers are transported to these ancient lands through the author’s strong imagery. The relationships she builds along the way, from the famous Amazon warrior Antiope to the hero Achilles and more, not only adds romance and passion to the tragedy, but becomes the brighter reflection off of the dark and grim realities of war which befall the ancient Greek world. The bloodshed and violence that Polyxena is witness to, and the multiple perspectives her journey affords her, allow readers to experience a stronger sense of the culture and clashes at that era of time, adding a more grounded element when dealing with Greek mythology.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy ancient Greek mythology and historical fiction, especially those which incorporate both historical records and deep-seated lore within those mythologies. The one thing which made this story so unique was the perspective the author took for sharing this tale of Polyxena. Having the protagonist recount her experiences, almost as if in conversation with the goddess Aphrodite, was an inspired choice. Not only did this showcase the strong connection the ancient Greek world had with their gods, but gave a strong feminine perspective to the violence and hardships in a “man’s world.”

Thought-provoking, profound, and engaging, author H. Allenger’s Polyxena: A Story of Troy is a must-read historical fiction and mythological book. The strength of the character’s journey, the heavy atmospheric nature of the author’s writing, and the profound imagery really do a great job of driving the reader into the heart of the narrative, and had me on the edge of my seat both in heart-pounding anticipation and emotional turmoil as the final pages came to a close.

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