Title: Portrait of Deceit: A Kira Logan Mystery
Author: J.C. Andrew
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing LLC
ISBN: 978-1648032974
Pages: 270
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

If there is one thing in life very few people can resist, it is a good mystery. When you are watching a movie or show, and you see someone going towards a derelict and hauntingly eerie house which everyone in the audience knows is housing a deranged killer, the question is always why? Why are they naive enough to go into an obviously dangerous situation? Aside from the obvious that it’s a movie, the answer is simple: no one can resist a good mystery. So how do we solve mysteries that come into our own lives? As Claire Cameron once said, “How do you solve a mystery? How do you write a book? The techniques for starting both are surprisingly similar. Find an intriguing question and, pen and dagger tucked under cloak, search for clues.”

In author J.C. Andrew’s Portrait of Deceit: A Kira Logan Mystery, the author takes readers into the world of Kira Logan, an artist who constantly finds herself at the center of a murder mystery. In this book, Kira is asked to complete portraits for two different but connected families. One family has an abusive husband and a wife desperate to get out of her husband’s clutches, while the other is a well-adjusted couple whose son is willing to risk his business and life to save the wife of the abusive husband. When the abuser is found dead in what appears to be an automotive accident, the mystery begins, as almost everyone appears to be happy at his death, and Kira finds herself embroiled in the investigation and aftermath, as the clients she has taken on become suspects all their own.

The author did a great job of giving readers a new twist on the classic murder mystery story. Rather than focus on the investigators or some PI or even the suspects themselves, readers were treated to a truly unique protagonist in Kira. The exploration of her as a character and the way she immersed herself into the lives of her clients to the extent of being involved in this murder mystery was a sign of truly fantastic character buildup. Even the small details, like exploring how artists like Kira can be well-versed in multiple styles of art, and the work that goes into portrait work, show mastery of writing. These small details balanced out the mystery itself, which did a great job of layering on the twists and clues which kept readers on the edge of their seats. The tension and atmosphere was well developed in this read, and yet the author was able to deliver a well-rounded mystery in a succinct way.

This is the perfect read for fans of mysteries, especially iconic murder-mystery style investigations with a healthy balance of suspense and thriller-style storytelling. As a fan of the genre, I was immediately engaged both with Kira as a character and the complex and thought-provoking mysteries that she helped unravel a memorable story.

Memorable, entertaining, and perfectly tense, author J.C. Andrew’s Portrait of Deceit: A Kira Logan Mystery” is a must-read novel! The perfect harmonious collection of layered murder mystery and tense character interactions, the twists and turns in this novel will keep readers hanging off the author’s every word, and the final revelation will have readers feeling both emotional and gripped to their chairs.

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