Title: Return of the Shadows Book Two
Author: Donald L. Marino
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc
ISBN: 1644620391
Pages: 118
Genre: Fantasy
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Hollywood Book Reviews
Author Donald L. Marino’s Return of the Shadows Book Two is a thrilling, humorous, absorbing and entertaining book. The reader gets to experience vicariously a series of emotions due to how intense the action is. Return of the Shadows Book Two is the type of book, as the plot develops, it becomes more interesting and deeper with every page. Due to being a sequel, the first part of the book allows the author to re-introduce characters and provides a little back story. I appreciate this approach as it gives the reader a chance to familiarize with the main characters, even if having read the prequel, as they get ready to dive into the story.
I enjoyed following Donald L. Marino’s characters as they are eccentric, solid, stubborn, charming and most of all fun to tag along. No two characters possess the same traits and every character brings something to the table. Return of the Shadows Book Two reads like an exhilarating thriller and fantasy in which both the avid as well as the occasional reader would enjoy to follow.
In this book, we follow the adventures of Alastrine and other characters. Alastrine and a group of chosen ones have to go to the temple to bring some balance. This is not the only group which are headed to the temple. We get to follow the hawk, dwarf, elves and other groups as they fight to reign supreme and stabilize things their way. Following all these characters is fun as readers get to live in the minds of different creatures. Readers also learn about organization, discipline and how to achieve a set target when working within a group.
Return of the Shadows Book 2 may be a fantasy book, but the lessons that one learns as the story progresses can be applied in real life, such as the importance of having a family, or any kind of support group. Some characters appeared to have given up, yet by having a back-up support or family, readers would see them rise again and continue with their mission.
The mystery, flow of the story, development of characters, suspense, plot twists, action and drama are some of the features which make the book thrilling to read. The author is engaging, and makes the reader feel as if they are part of the story as he narrates.
Readers get to virtually feel the effects of a character’s action or decision, thanks to the author’s vivid descriptions and wording of the text. Major themes to emerge from the book include unity, loyalty, friendship, betrayal, fantasy and love. I enjoyed every chapter of this book and would recommend Return of the Shadowsto readers who enjoy fantasy, action, adventure and young adult drama.