Title: Soraya: The Other Princess
Author: Saber Azam
Publisher: Westwood Books Publishing, LLC
ISBN: 1984563467
Pages: 540
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel

Hollywood Book Reviews

Saber Azam explores the history of Afghanistan throughout the last several decades through the eyes of a resilient and courageous woman named Soraya. The story has an honest voice as Azam captures the sorrow and tragedy that befell the people under the rulers which begins in the 1960s. This is inspired by the amazing life of Soraya Ludin who at the time became the only woman from her country to graduate from the University of London. The aim of the book is to explore two stories: the inefficiency and ignorance of Afghanistan’s leaders and to show through Soraya’s eyes how women are perceived. The goal is to pay tribute to the amazing Afghan women through a fictional story that holds a lot of truth and heart.

Soraya’s life is explored beginning with her childhood which lets you see the thoughtful and curious girl she was and how she become the amazing woman that she becomes. The story is an evolution that goes from her childhood to her adulthood which is set against the backdrop of Afghanistan’s own evolution politically. As a young girl, she was full of curiosity which serves as a catalyst for the strong-willed woman that speaks her mind and her beliefs. Her carefree spirit is seen through the way she views the world and, in her wish, to fly like a bird so to see everything. Her father is an influential figure in her life and her inspiration as he’s the one that nurtured her curiosity and answered all her questions, teaching her to value learning. He’s also an important political figure that sought to do big things such as highways, hydroelectric dams, and other revolutionary feats which is a desire for progress and change that is passed on to Soraya.

Azam captures the essence of Afghanistan through details that explore the community, the people, and the beauty of it. These details are told with love and respect to bring the political issues that plagued the country throughout the decades with sincerity and honesty. The story weaves together two points; the changing politics of Afghanistan and the role of women through the inspiring tale of Soraya’s life. The story weaves through Afghanistan’s liberation and the failure of the leaders while also bringing out the heart of the country through its spirit, forbearance, and beauty.

Soraya evolves from a young girl speaking out in class over a dispute about a fact in American history to a resilient woman that speaks out and doesn’t back down to do what’s right. Various important women are included throughout with a few being: Queen Soraya who went unveiled in public, Indira Gandhi who is described as a parallel to Soraya, and the unforgettable Simone Veil that has the same determination and strong-will as Soraya. Her way of seeing the wonder within the world is heightened throughout her travels which allows her learn and grow, while seeing the struggle of the people.

Soraya: The Other Princess is an incredible story of courage, resilience, and inspiration that though being a fictional tale it’s told with honesty, integrity, and heart that shines a light on an incredible woman and shows the strength of the Afghanistan women.

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