Title: Tempest Keeper
Author: J Henry Warren
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1638712220
Pages: 502
Genre:  Literature & Fiction
Reviewed by: Aly Avina


Hollywood Book Reviews

Ask anyone that knows me and they will tell you my all-time favorite genre to read is suspense/thriller novels. They are always my go-to because I find myself absolutely riveted from the moment I pick up the book until I finish reading the last word. It is a genre that has been done often but not always done well. However, I am happy to say that is absolutely not the case in J Henry Warren’s novel, Tempest Keeper. There is suspense which will have you glued to the pages, hurriedly reading and flipping to the next page to find out what is going to happen to these enthralling and multi-faceted characters as they progress throughout the story. It is without a doubt one of my favorite new thrillers I’ve read, which, if you knew me, you would know just how high of praise that is.

Jake Turner is the hero of this tale. At the start, he is a former Wall Street man whose life was turned upside down when his now ex-wife took everything from him, including his career. But his luck is turning around and his new business opportunity seems to be everything he needs – and so much more. But what he doesn’t expect is for the accountant to be skimming money off the top for himself. This leads to twists and turns that you won’t see coming with a healthy dose of greed and treachery woven all throughout this excitingly tense story.

Jake is on the brink of losing everything in his life once again, including the woman he loves and is willing to do whatever it takes to right this wrong. Warren’s seamless and clever way of creating this world full of intense conflict and jaw-dropping moments that will have you questioning everything you knew before is absolutely astounding. I was beyond impressed by the author’s innate ability to keep their audience on their toes as they make their way through the novel, never knowing what these characters are going to come up against next.

For any avid thriller reader, such as myself, this was an absolute treat and a refreshing take on a genre that desperately needed a new perspective. I would gladly indulge in the tale of Jake Turner many times over and can only hope we have more mysteries to solve in this character’s world sooner than later.

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