Title: Terra Nova, Book 1
Author: MtG
Publisher: Friesen Press
ISBN: 1525572008
Genre: Fiction
Pages: 444
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Hollywood Book Reviews
Terra Nova, Book 1 is thrilling, hair-raising, and entertaining. Author MtG wrote a rousing book which will have you put all your attention on the characters. Terra Nova is not like the average vampire book as characters are developed diversely, possessing distinct traits that go to show just how creative the author is. The storyline never stops being attention-grabbing and it is fascinating how Mtg maintains the same level of entertainment throughout the book.
While reading Terra Nova, one gets the urge to keep page-turning even after reading for over hours in one seating. MtG knows how to fully capture the readers’ interest. The author infuses creative elements like funny conversations, bizarre storylines, hilarious sayings and catch-phrases, grim dialogues, and extra-ordinary characters. MtG’s writing style and method of narration is outstanding. The diction is also worth noting. Even before one finishes the book, the reader hopes for the story to be longer as everything in the plot is stimulating.
Every avid fiction reader wants to get hold of a book that will transport them to a fictitious place, away from reality, where only the reader and author’s thoughts exist. This book is the kind which makes you forget your reality as you get immersed into the events and environment of the characters.
In Terra Nova, we follow the story of Evangeline, a young and beautiful girl whose life gets to be complicated with each new day. At a first glance, one would see Evangeline like your regular girl. Evangeline however develops a blood disorder that makes her white blood cells eliminate the red blood cell. This is a rare and eccentric condition as it makes her dream of places and even travels to strange locations where regular teenagers do not go.
Evangeline finds herself in this place called Terra Nova. This is no ordinary place. How can one survive among vampires? Do they need to transform themselves? Is this fantasy or does this character live in a new reality? Terra Nova, the place, is charming and scary at the same time. I like how the author made the place appears real but also add elements that would exaggerate the setting. This made the tale juicier and the storyline more compelling to follow. Evangeline is not the only character which was amazingly developed; other major and minor characters were also exciting to follow.
You know you are reading a good story when everything flows naturally. I applaud MtG for her creativity and imagination when penning down this book. Terra Nova will have you appreciate fiction and literature in general. This is the kind of book that you want to keep reading because of how sharp the author’s writing style is. Other than the amusing and sometimes serious conversation in this book, I also liked the themes the author adapted. Some of the themes that stand out in the book are family, friendships, betrayal, fear, hope, and love.