Title: The Awakened: A True Life Experience
Author: Wil Woodard
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc.
Pages: 201
Genre: Biographies & Memoirs
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
One of life’s biggest questions for humanity is what our place in the universe truly is. For so long, humanity believed itself to be the center of all of existence, and for some that belief still holds true. Yet as humanity has come to better understand how the universe functions and the possibilities for life beyond the solar system grow, the consensus has changed, and many people believe it is more likely that life on other planets does exist. The question remains, however, what does that life look like?
For decades, possibly even earlier, stories of visitations from beings and spaceships from outer space have become more and more prominent in the public eye. In author Wil Woodard’s, The Awakened: A True Life Experience, the author explores the memories and experiences which he had at the tail end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s. Through these experiences, he shares memories of being taken onboard spaceships and examined, amongst other activities, by alien beings that defy logic or reason. From missing time and strange scars to shocking regression sessions and so much more, the author takes readers on a personal journey as an alien abductee – and beyond.
A truly fascinating and compelling read, the author brilliantly writes in an honest and passionate way to really cut through to the reader on a deeper level. The heart that went into this book and the heartfelt delivery of the author’s own experiences allowed the reader to connect with the journey they went on in a much more profound way. The straightforward, fluidity of the writing style gave the context of each chapter much more room to grow and thrive as a whole, and the emotional component of the story as the author retold the horrifying events which occurred brought that personal touch which allowed readers to feel for and connect with this novel.
One thing which stuck to the reader was how much the author focused on the alienating which would occur later on after these experiences came to pass. It recalls a famous case in this field, the case of Barney and Betty Hill. The harsh realities of having to keep this experience to themselves for a time before having this experience torn away from you and shared with the world on their terms brought a sense of overwhelming odds and thoughtfulness in its delivery. The shocking experiences and the pain the author went through and experienced will stay with readers long after that final page comes to pass.