Title: The Beeping Brothers’ Road to Success
Author: Scott Chally
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media
ISBN: 978-1643763576
Pages: 426
Genre: Suspense Thrillers / Literature & Fiction
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
One thing that so many people around the world have always found a desire for is the means and opportunity to implement true change. Whether that change comes from a journey of self-discovery, or change in our local communities, or for some, even the higher pursuits of change that come with becoming involved in business or politics, change and the desire to implement it is a slippery slope. It possesses both the desire to do good in this world and make it a better place, while also avoiding the temptation and greed which comes with power once you have the means to do the changes you desire.
In author Scott Chally’s The Peeping Brothers’ Road to Success, the author explores this slippery slope in great detail in a truly shocking and unusual read. In this thriller, a group of friends begin a new business as a delivery service, hauling various goods such as lumber. Yet they find true success when they begin working with a cartel, which grows their business exponentially. After they leave the business behind, the mobster in charge of the cartel reveals he owes them a favor. One of the friends uses this favor when his father, a man who has struggled with his mental health for years, develops an autobiography and an additional film, in which he proclaims he is the Messiah. The mobster helps bring this story to life, and after a key event in the world comes true, the world believes the man’s story, turning control of the world over to him and creating a new world order which few would have ever believed.
The author was able to truly create an original, captivating, and downright chilling thriller. The book may be long technically, but it truly flies by quickly as the author’s ever-shifting perspectives give readers so much story at a fast pace. The story quickly swerves from comedic interactions and action-packed scenes to intense suspense and even intense studies into politics and religion as a whole. The story felt larger than life a lot of times, and yet at its core the author never lost sight of some of the novel’s greater themes, including friendship, family, and love. The developing relationships and struggles these characters faced made this such a captivating read.
This is the perfect novel for those who enjoy fictional reads that blend a great number of different genres, from thriller and suspense novels to comedic action and adventure stories with grand themes of political and religious movements. As someone who enjoys genre mashups like this, I found myself engaged and intrigued by the author’s narrative and the world-building that went into this story.
Thought-provoking, humorous, and suspenseful, author Scott Chally’s The Beeping Brothers’ Road to Success is a must-read action and adventure thriller. The unique progression of the narrative and the rich character growth that the author builds upon in this narrative are equally balanced with thoughtful themes and emotional world building which will keep readers hanging off of the author’s every word.