Title: The Christmas Spryte Encounter: Picture with Santa
Author: Nanette Crighton
Publisher: Nanette Crighton
ISBN:  978-1733281713
Pages: 28
Genre: Children’s Book
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel

Hollywood Book Reviews

It’s that time of year that every child is the most excited for: getting their picture taken with Santa. Only not every child is excited. Some are anxious and dread the time when their moms drag them to the mall. One such kid is a young boy that is anxious, angry, and scared at the very thought of seeing Santa. Where his mom sees the photos as traditional, he can’t help but sweat and fidget as he waits in line for his turn. That’s when he gets the biggest surprise of all: a visit from the Christmas Spryte. Ella in her Roman armor lessens his fear and gives him the confidence to take a picture with Santa his own way.

The story revolves around a common stress that some children deal with when it comes to taking pictures with Santa. The descriptions of Santa are humorous which describe him as smelling like mothballs and having onion breath. Though the anxiety detailed is genuine and Nanette Crighton perfectly captures this stress as the young boy thinks about all the ways he can get out of seeing Santa which includes fainting, throwing a fit, and even crying. The story is written with a rhyme scheme that gives the story a playful tone that balances the details that capture his anxiety through his hands sweating, his clothes being stiff, feeling hot, and constant fidgeting.

The illustrations are vibrant and colorful with details that visually capture the anxiety the kid feels through his antsy movements and facial expressions. Crighton shows a clear contrast with him sweating and fidgeting while the other kids look excited and hopeful. The Christmas Spryte makes her appearance while he’s waiting in line to help him conquer his fear of getting a picture with Santa. The description of the spryte is delightful with her having a helmet and the armor of a Roman gladiator which is paired with lovely wings. Though she’s dressed as a warrior, she gives off a calming presence that is exactly what the young boy needs to work through his anxiety. Ella comes with her own card that contains bullet points which includes taking a deep breath, having your cuffs past coat sleeves, and walking tall and determined.

Crighton explores the fear that many children face and teaches them techniques for lessening these anxieties and building their confidence. The spryte points out that he doesn’t have to sit on Santa’s lap to take a picture and gives a variety of options that include leaning against Santa’s chair which allows him to find his own comfort. He’s able to work through his anxiety to feel confident enough to go stand by Santa to get his picture taken which is seen through an illustration of him looking confident and self-assured. This is great for kids that are new to seeing Santa or have some anxiety about getting their picture taking or even seeing Santa which will help children see that they’re not the only ones that don’t want to see Santa and it may help them overcome these fears. Crighton teaches kids how to feel confident and gives them the safety net of the Christmas Spryte. The story ends on a positive note after everything goes so well that everyone is complimenting his mom and proud of how confident he looks. The Christmas Spryte Encounter: Picture with Santa is a great read for parents to share with their children to spark discussion about Santa and to prepare them before the holiday season to help them overcome their anxieties.

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