Title: The Crystalline Planet
Author: S.B. Andresen
Publisher: Balboa Press
ISBN: 978-1982256692
Pages: 132
Genre: Science Fiction
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda

Hollywood Book Reviews

 The Crystalline Planet is a stimulating tale that follows the main character, Sam, into an uncharted planet, a world that thrives on different energies and feelings. Sam makes the journey in the hope of finding his friend Christopher, who had earlier left their planet, the Earthen Moon Colony, to explore the crystalline planet hoping to find the rainbow crystal rocks.

Sam moved from one dwelling to the other, known as “Parcels” learning the inhabitants’ customs and habits. He soon realizes that finding Christopher was taking longer than he had anticipated as he finds himself in the center of the politics of greed and unfair control on this peaceful planet. Later, secrets are unveiled and deception is brought to light as the story buds. The concept of right versus wrong and the theme of fairness are explored in this fast-paced novel.

S.B. Andresen has written a captivating text. Buoyed up by thoughtful characterization, The Crystalline Planetis simply a delight to read. The author certainly demonstrates her love for science through this engrossing read. She introduces readers to Sam, his thoughts, and his emotions as the book blossoms. Christopher too is given a special segment to allow readers to catch a glimpse of his adventures and actions during his travels.

The tome is written from the third point of view and the vivid descriptions used throughout allow readers to immerse themselves into the setting of the story. Further, the unpredictable events that happen from time to time gave the story a unique tone.

Author Andresen has explored the theme of social justice and equality which are relevant to modern society. The Crystalline Planet has many excellent aspects and the fact that it is a short read makes it a top candidate for binge reading. It is also professionally edited making it an easy read. The writer has managed to breathe realistic life into characters and situations making the plot flow. Her quirky creativity to name settings in her novel adds to the entertainment.

It will therefore suffice to write that The Crystalline Planet is a thought-provoking and delightful read that readers will find wonderfully apt!

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