Title: The Cupid Chronicles
Author: Dennis Copelan
Publisher: Apricot Springs Publishing
ISBN: 978-1737712206
Pages: 328
Genre: Action & Adventure Romance / Science Fiction / Fantasy
Reviewed by: Christina Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
When it comes to the complex feelings and emotions that can brew with people who have fallen in love, there are a multitude of ways in which the human race have decided to express their emotions. From writing poetry to singing songs, creative expression has always been an outlet for these very raw and powerful feelings. Yet human history is filled with stories that tie into the core of our humanity like this, including some powerful imagery and mythology developed throughout various cultures. One such iconic figure from mythology, in particular Roman Mythology, that has made its way into our modern mainstream consciousness, is Cupid, the figure most associated with love and romance in our culture.
In author Dennis Copelan’s The Cupid Chronicles, the author explores the lore and mythos surrounding Cupid in an all-new light. The story follows Pixel Millet, a worker in the Paradise City Department of Discipline in Heaven. After a case against one of several Cupids, in particular Cupid-1637, is brought before him and he is forced to fight for the rights of this wayward Cupid. Listening to his new client’s tales of failed and funny romances gone wrong, Pixel soon learns that someone up the celestial food chain may be fixing the trial against his client, and he must discover the truth before this lone Cupid is banished to the lower realms forever.
The author did an incredible job of balancing the overall narrative with some fantastic stories of love and humor from the lone Cupid himself. The world building and mythos the author develops between the celestial Heaven and its political nature with those who run the show, as well as how gods, deities, and other creatures all fit into this grand realm, were all so incredibly envisioned and written out that the imagery really felt bright and prominent in the reader’s mind. The humor and charm that the author creates with the characters of this novel are a great way of connecting the reader to the grand story that is being told, while the underlying themes of romance, love, and fighting for the truth are all felt in this fantastic setting.
This book is the perfect read for those who enjoy sci-fi and fantasy reads that incorporate romance and action-adventure into the narrative. As a fan of the genre, I was absolutely floored by the amount of world building and atmosphere the author crafted, and found the natural balance the genres found with one another to be so engaging to devour as a reader. The stories ranged from humorous and outrageous to poignant and beautiful, creating such a wonderful dynamic of emotions for readers.
Expertly crafted, entertaining, and wildly imaginative, author Dennis Copelan’s The Cupid Chronicles is a must-read sci-fi and fantasy read! The thought-provoking mythos and the widely engaging cast of characters kept readers hanging off of the authors every word, and the imagery that the author captured in this highly descriptive narrative was both vibrant and fascinating to behold.