Title: The DNR Trilogy: Volume 3: Clinical Justice
Author: Don W. Hill, M.D.
Publisher: Bookwhip Company; 1st edition
ISBN: B096T454MJ
Pages: 492
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Reviewed by:  Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews 

The path to understanding ourselves and the Universe as a whole often begins by turning inwards. To truly understand all things, we must first understand what dwells beneath the surface of our own lives, and that means facing both the light and the darkness which inhabits us all. The most difficult part is often the darkness, whether it is a darkness put upon us by events or circumstances in our lives, or a darkness which has festered or grown as a result of unresolved conflict or emotions; facing the darkness can be a truly difficult thing to do. As Edgar Allen Poe once said, “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”

In author Don W. Hill M.D.’s The DNR Trilogy: Volume 3: Clinical Justice, the author brings readers along for the final chapter of J.D. Brewster, the antihero/protagonist of the author’s DNR Trilogy. The story sees Brewster struggling with his own darkness, as violence becomes more and more a part of his life, and a turn towards vigilantism leaves him the victim of an attempted murder. Scarred by his experiences, Brewster gathers others who have been on the receiving end of violent crimes, hoping to exact vengeance on the criminal element who they have been sworn to help heal in their lives as physicians. Yet this final turn may be the thing that finally forces Brewster to see the violence and darkness that has built up within him as well.

The explosive and violent final chapter in this trilogy was not a letdown for fans of this series, to be sure. The author does an incredible job of striking a harmonious chord between dark humor and the brutality of the violence the main character undertakes in his quest for vengeance. Yet the juxtaposition of this violent thriller with the extreme eye to detail in the medical terminology and scenes which take place was so profound to see, and it added more depth to the character’s development. Yet between the main character’s more violent behavior with the narrative and even the way he mistreats women as well, including his girlfriend, who he takes down a path of self-destruction that leads in her death, the main character embodies the darkness and long road to recovery many have to face in order to even hope for redemption.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy mystery novels which also blend suspense and thriller elements into the narrative, and include medical knowledge that brings a level of authenticity to the main character’s backstory. As a fan of these genres, it was interesting to get this almost pulp fiction-style antihero character whose flaws are numerous yet represents the growing need for self-examination and honest psychological evaluation to keep ourselves at our best both physically and mentally in life.

Thought-provoking, reflective, and engaging, author Don W. Hill M.D.’s The DNR Trilogy: Volume 3: Criminal Justice is a must-read mystery thriller. The haunting atmosphere and tension the author creates made this story flow smoothly, and the conflicted main character made for some thoughtful and insightful introspective looks into the minds of those pushed past their limits, and the conflict that arises in those who have sworn to save lives instead.

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