Title: The Evolution of Spring: The Qrie, Mad Mac and the Mer Book One
Author: J.. Hair
Publisher: Go to Publish
ISBN: 978-1647492700
Pages: 502
Genre: Science-Fiction & Fantasy/Fantasy
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
Humanity has many struggles and obstacles both personally and socially in which they must overcome throughout their lives. One such issue is the need many face that tells them to fit in and be like everyone else. Yet the truth of the matter is everyone is different, no matter who we are. As Eugene Kennedy once said, “There would be no need for love if perfection were possible. Love arises from our imperfection, from our being different and always in need of the forgiveness, encouragement and that missing half of ourselves that we are searching for, as the Greek myth tells us, in order to complete ourselves.”
In author J.M. Hair’s fantasy epic, The Evolution of Spring: The Qrie, Mad Mac and the Mer Book One, the author explores our differences in a whole new light. A powerful alien race known as the Qrie have watched over humanity for centuries, knowing as time goes on that their presence would soon be discovered and they must reveal themselves in the right way. Breath, a human/Qrie hybrid, has spent her life guided by the voices of the Qrie, who have guided her to be compassionate, kind and incredibly intelligent. Yet as the Qrie begin diplomatic talks with humanity, Breath faces violent attacks from an Earth Only movement, and must find a way to stop the violence and save both worlds.
This is a massively wild and amazing sci-fi and fantasy read. The author has crafted a complex, cosmically and intellectually driven narrative which explores the concept of alternate universes, intelligent life outside our own world and beyond, and the nature of compassion and being different in a world that seems primed with those who hate differences. The two strongest components of this narrative are definitely the intricate mythos that the author has created here, from the Qrie and their connection to humanity to the Anasso Consortium for whom humanity makes contact with, and of course the amazing character development that occurs here for the major players within the narrative, especially protagonist and new sci-fi and fantasy hero, Breath. Her power and compassion for humanity and her connection to the Qrie make her the lynchpin to this tale, and her evolution from beginning to end is entertaining and enthralling, making readers truly invested in her story.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy lengthy sci-fi and fantasy epics, in particular those that explore alien races and the origins of the universe as a whole, human and alien hybrids, and stories which introduce powerful new heroes meant to lead brand new science fiction series. As a fan of the genre, it was both easy and fun to fall into the black hole the author has crafted to draw readers further and further into the mythology of this new series, which felt like a perfect blend of Stargate SG-1 and The OA on Netflix.
A wildly adventurous, infinitely entertaining and lengthy yet thrilling sci-fi and fantasy driven cosmic journey, author J.M. Hair’s The Evolution of Spring: The Qrie, Mad Mac and the Mer Book One is a must-read novel of 2021. This book is a great example of how much the sci-fi genre has evolved over the years, the story the author weaves is complex in the best way possible, and keeps the reader invested in the protagonist and the story that unravels around her as the story progresses. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!