Title: The Hawk Enigma
Author: J.L. Hancock
Publisher: Class Five Press
ISBN: 978-1737150114
Pages: 472
Genre: Financial Thrillers / Technothrillers
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

Hollywood Book Reviews

As we emerge into the future and start to look ahead at what awaits the human race, one of the most discussed and debated topics which arises within groups about technology is artificial intelligence, or AI. The completion of AI to help develop important technological advances in medicine, space travel and more is growing more and more rapidly, to the point that it has moved into our everyday lives. Some see this as the next stage in human advancement, while others fear that an AI becoming sentient and aware could lead to humanity’s demise. As Alan Kay once said, “Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior, but then, anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.”

 In author J.L. Hancock’s The Hawk Enigma, the author explores the powerful battle that humans may wage with one another over incredibly powerful AI. After two scientists in Japan who developed something known as the “God Algorithm” disappear, a lone military technician haunted by his past is tasked with leading a military unit into the heart of the scientist’s disappearances. What no one can predict however, is the prophetic messages that are given to him amidst his normal haunted dreams, nor the same prophecy sent to a river guide in Southern Utah. As deadly criminals and shadow financiers hunt for the algorithm, one man must find the scientists before the haunted visions of his dreams become a twisted reality.

The author did such an incredible job of infusing this narrative with so many different genres. While the techno thriller genre was definitely the most prominent, I loved the balance that the author found with the action, adventure, suspense, and even a bit of mythological genres. The AI component of the narrative felt more alive and closer to reality than ever before, as the author’s experience in both the military and working with AI systems allowed an air of authenticity to the plot. The shifting setting and rich imagery the author managed to use in his writing allowed the action and intensity of the character’s plights to feel weighted and emotionally-impactful, making this such an impressive thriller.

 This is the perfect read for those who enjoy techno-thrillers, especially those who enjoy thrillers, suspense, mystery, action, adventure, mythology, and a blend of crime and military dramas. As a fan of these genres, I was immediately drawn into the narrative and the rich character growth that kept readers both emotionally and technically enraptured by the narrative. I loved the way the author played with the morality and human component of AI as well, as the question of AI often overlooks our own impact on it and how our actions could be perceived, and the fight over control of such a powerful tool in this narrative perfectly captured this sentiment.

 Thought-provoking, adrenaline-fueled, and engaging, author J.L. Hancock’s The Hawk Enigma is a must-read techno-thriller for our time. The action-packed narrative and brilliant character development blend seamlessly into the dynamic settings and thoughtful approach to a modern-day topic of debate that will greatly impact our future.

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