Title: The Hawk of Yonezawa: Historical Fiction with J.S. Bach
Author: Donald D. Joye
Publisher: Author Reputation Press,LLC
ISBN: 978-1440130526
Pages: 124
Genre: Literary Fiction / Historical Fantasy
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers

Hollywood Book Reviews

If there is one arena that has always served as a constant source of inspiration, it would have to be music. Throughout the centuries, everyone from world leaders and warriors, to world-renowned scientists and artists have found themselves drawn to one form of music or another, allowing the steady beats and rhythms to sway over them and build within them the means to explore their creative side themselves.

In author Donald D. Joye’s The Hawk of Yonezawa: Historical Fiction with J.S. Bach, the author explores the impact of music through a historical fantasy journey with legendary musician Johann Bach. The famed musician finds himself transported to Japan, having missed a rare performance from a musician he loved, George Frederic Handel. Upon his return trip however, he finds himself meeting a 12-year-old boy and his mother. They ask him to help restore their church’s organ, but he graciously refuses. Soon however another delay in his return home allows him the time to help the boy in a dream to repair the organ, falling into a series of adventures along the way.

The author did a wonderful job of really delving into the mindset and viewpoints of famed composer and musician J.S. Bach. The relationship the character had to both music and his faith was so incredible to see come to life through the pages, even looking upon the works of the great Martin Luther who compared a life in theology to a life in music. The clash of cultures between Germany and Japan in the 18th century was amazing to read about as well, and the bond that he developed with the boy and his mother was nothing short of emotional and compelling.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy historical fiction and fantasy novels, especially those that are more of a novella than anything else and feature historical figures and music appreciation as well. The heart and passion for which these characters stem from, and the character growth each of them is a part of was amazing to read. The detail and the imagery in the author’s writing brought both countries to life beautifully, and to read the themes of family, friendship, and culture appreciation all play out in this moving yet short and powerful novella was a true and genuine pleasure to read.

Moving, engaging, and heartfelt, author Donald D. Joye’s The Hawk of Yonezawa: Historical Fiction with J.S. Bach is a must-read historical fantasy novella. The twists and turns in the journey Bach takes and the evolution of his character, as well as the emotional finale that sees a teary exchange between Bach and a pivotal character, make this entire journey worthwhile. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!