Title:  The In-Between Time
Author: Micki Lin Mongogna-Alarcon
Publisher: PageTurner Press
Pages: 119 
Genre: fantasy / Science Fiction
Reviewer: Jennifer Bailey

Hollywood Book Reviews



The in between time is a time between sleep and waking when almost anything is possible.  Shala is a young, beautiful girl, a mystery to those around her – including herself.  While she loves Yantox, the gruff and harsh man who found her and took her in, she longs to know how she is and where it is that she comes from. When Yantox falls ill after breakfast, she does the only thing she can do; pledge her service to Matea for a year in exchange for her assistance in healing Yantox.  The forest that surrounds the village is home to a mysterious curse that traps humans after the sun has set. One night it traps Shala as she is searching for answers to her unending questions.  While trapped, Shala finds herself once more in the in-between time.  What will she discover while trapped?  Will she find the answers she desperately needs from the people she meets within the in between time?

The concept of the in between time is one that has been done many times, but in different ways.  In between being in between doorways, the time just before midnight, time before falling asleep or waking up to name a few, but author Micki Lin Mongogna-Alarcon creates something new, unique, and exciting.  Readers are pulled into the tale straight from the beginning and quickly find themselves attached to Shala.  It’s not hard to feel the emotion and desire Shala must know more about herself, the desperation she feels to save Yantox, or the worry coursing through Shanti as she awaits Tallan to return home.  The way Micki Lin Mongogna-Alarcon utilizes words to get these emotions to seep off the page is truly magical.

This is a book many readers will come to love and want to share with others.  It is a book that is quick to read, easily read within one session.  It is fast paced, questions the unknown, and drags the readers along for an epic ride. The In-Between Time is a great book to read in between two larger (500+ pages) fantasy books as it gives you that feeling of satisfaction as you read them but still leaves you longing for more. 

Fans of the supernatural and paranormal genre would enjoy this book. Even readers just starting to venture into the genre would find this an appealing and it is deserving of a high rating, because readers will love it so much they will wish there was more.  Those who pick up this book will not regret it!


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