Title: The Journey: From Shackles and Chains to the White House
Author: Donald B. Armstrong
Publisher: Dorrance Publishing Co.
ISBN: 978-1638670704
Pages: 254
Genre: African History / American History
Reviewed by: Jack Chambers
Hollywood Book Reviews
The best way to look forward is to first look behind us. The history of our world as a whole is both inspired and yet tragic all at once, for mankind is not without its many flaws. From the many wars we have waged amongst ourselves, to the atrocities committed against our fellow man, the animal kingdom, or the planet itself, there are many instances of history which need to be remembered, and yet used to change our futures. As May Angelou once said, “History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.”
In author Donald B. Armstrong’s The Journey: From Shackles and Chains to the White House, the author explores a unique and yet much needed perspective of American History. Exploring the Black experience of America from the 1600s to the present, the author utilizes research and comprehensive skills to explore the events that have led the history of the Black community throughout this country, from the kidnapping of Africans and other Black communities to the Civil Rights Movement and even the more modern history which saw the arrival of the nation’s first Black President in the White House.
The author did such an incredible job of crafting a comprehensive, intense, and studious book on not only history in general, but the history, culture, and experiences of the Black community throughout the last 400 years in America. The tensions and injustices so many in the Black community face in this day and age, both politically speaking and socially, are not issues that just appeared randomly in our society, and having an understanding of the experiences that led to this moment in time is crucial to moving forward and finding a way of bringing true equality to our world. For many readers who are not part of the Black community, this will be a true eye-opening experience, and the author’s incredible eye for detail and even harsh truths about the things so many went through during the most turbulent and horrific moments in our nation’s time was prominently featured in this book.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy history and non-fiction reads, especially those with an interest in American history and the history of the Black community in America as a whole. While I myself am not a Black man and cannot ever truly fathom the difficulties, struggles, and pain of experiencing the daily problems that the Black community face, I do think it was important and even emotional to read about the history behind how our current society came to exist today, and this is an important lesson that students and adults alike need to be reading and understanding in order to move forward as a society.
Thought-provoking, educational, and moving, author Donald B. Armstrong’s The Journey: From Shackles and Chains to the White House is a must-read non-fiction and history driven book. The way forward in our society is not to live in ignorance and by refusing to acknowledge the legitimacy of an entire group of people’s tragic history, but by accepting what has come before us so that we can change what is to come. The author’s ability to vividly capture this history paints a stark image of the Black experience in America, and yet showcases the pitfalls which can prevent an even more bleak future. The rich tapestry of history the author taps into, from the laws and battles that were fought to bring equality to the Black community, to the contributions to our nation and society in every arena by the Black community, and so much more, will have readers of all ethnicities drawn into the authors well-crafted book.