Title: The Mirror Apocalypse
Author: John Ayang
Publisher: LifeRich Publishing
ISBN: 978-1489711854
Pages: 326
Genre: Literature & Fiction/Religious Literature & Fiction
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza
Hollywood Book Reviews
As science and technology advanced in the world, many different industries and ways of life have been impacted. Health is definitely one of them, from having new technology to help surgeons see things on a microscopic level in real time – to battling diseases which would have been deadly only a century ago. However, the advancement of health and technology is constantly in conflict with those who approach life from a religious point of view, bringing bioethics into discussion so that science doesn’t overstep – morally speaking. As Dr. Anthony Fauci once said, “Bioethics is a very, very important field. As we get more and more in the arena of understanding science and getting better opportunities, the fact that you can do things with biological sciences that have an impact on a human being means you must have ethical standards.”
In author John Ayang’s The Mirror Apocalypse, the author utilizes fiction to explore the conflict between science and faith; and the morality of each. After a priest denies a young couple during a service after it is revealed they used in-vitro fertilization (or IVF) to conceive their child, a lawsuit reveals to a shocked Catholic Church and the priest himself that he himself was the product of IVF. When his future becomes uncertain, Pope Benedict XVI must determine whether to rethink centuries of religious practice to allow those born of IVF to become members of the church or whether to annul the priest’s ordination, preserving the church’s stance on the morality of IVF.
This was quite a complex, sometimes humorous and often thought-provoking read. The author does a great job of highlighting a lot of the complexities of religion and the underlying issues that reside both in faith and in science. Some of the characteristics and viewpoints of characters in the story evolve over time, focusing on things like one’s view of race in religious practice – to how science affects morality for parishioners and leaders alike. While the author’s writing does a great job of delving deep into the organization and practices of the Catholic Church, the story itself feels more like a personal story of identity, especially when new information flips our world upside-down.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy fictional tales that explore religion, science, and the line that divides the two subjects, while also getting a more personal and character-driven narrative. The author did a great job of really honing in on the main character and his personal and professional relationships, and showcased how despite his priesthood, priests themselves are just as human as the rest of us, and subject to their own feelings and emotions as well. The author’s writing did a great job of painting a picture in the readers’ minds, crafting a very cinematic quality to the imagery used to bring this story to life.
Emotionally-driven, layered and engaging in its approach, author John Ayang’s The Mirror Apocalypse is a must-read fictional tale like no other. A great read for those who enjoy Christian and Religious Fiction, the narrative does a great job of exploring such a complex subject such as this from all angles; something not many authors in this genre are always able to do. Definitely thoughtful in its approach to the subject matter, this is one book readers and fans of this genre will not want to miss!