Title: The New Planet
Author: Carol Love Forbes
Publisher: URLink Print & Media, LLC
ISBN: 9781684860708
Pages: 65
Genre: Science Fiction/Screenplay
Reviewer: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
Carol Love Forbes’s The New Planet is a touching tale that celebrates the strength of love. Dr. Alana Hargate, a scientist at the Intergalactic Research Society (IRS) headquarters on Planet Xenon, is entrusted with indoctrinating Colonel Marc Samson, a new pilot for an imminent expedition. Marc, who does not identify as spiritual, believes that he is not the right guy for the position on this planet that has attained a high degree of awareness and spirituality. His mission entails sending master teachers to a new planet where they hope to establish a new life. But before starting his training, he insists on finishing a trip aboard a spaceship as part of his last duty, and he wants Dr. Hargate to accompany him.
Marc brings Dr. Hargate to a secret planet where their host, Father Campion, described as “a great holy man” who maintains a conservatory for every animal ever created by Power One, informs her, to her surprise, that she is needed for a bigger role regarding the formation of the new planet. Meanwhile, Marc is called up to replace a pilot who becomes ill before the first trial landing on the new planet. But he ends up running into the unexpected, which inspires Dr. Hargate to go on a quest she had never considered.
This narrative beckons you in with its love themes, exciting setting, and seductive secrets. It is set in the futuristic year 3002 and enthralls with its amazing display of the fusion of science and spirituality. Its well-crafted protagonists, Marc and Hargate, embark on challenging assignments that call on their latent powers. They are introduced as a potential power couple early in the novel, and subsequent events support this. The author gives the reader insight into their thoughts and the motivations behind their choices and behaviors. Despite its complexity, their journey is captivating, full of love and soul-mingling and that shows what those two can make humans accomplish.
The New Planet by Carol Love Forbes fits all the criteria for a classic science fiction romance and adventure story. Its rich descriptions transport the reader to unknown realms before jolting them back to reality with a climactic ending. Written to have a profoundly satisfying cinematic effect, this screenplay is a must-read for all fans of science fiction.