Title: The Princess: A Fairy Tale
Author: Michael Cristian
Publisher: Author Reputation Press, LLC
ISBN: 1649611293
Pages: 136
Genre: Fairy Tales
Reviewed by: Liz Konkel
Hollywood Book Reviews
The Princess: A Fairy Tale by author Michael Cristian is a charming fairy tale about a princess who discovers her true power as a leader, the love she has with a knight, an epic battle for her kingdom, the fight against a wicked witch, and the threat of a half-sister that wants her throne.
Princess Malina is returning home to Hispana with her closest companion Xitl at her side, after a voyage to the land of Tenoc. She introduces her friend to the way of life at the castle though she can’t shake the uncertainties she has at not having earned her power and was simply born into it. Worries about her kingdom only escalate when she learns of a growing threat against the kingdom. A gathering within the dark Atlas Mountains finds the Zor of Moroc and his army plotting their course for Hispana while the Zor consults with the Witch of Sevi who warns him about the threat the princess has against their plans. Another secret comes to light when the illegitimate child of the king reveals her lineage and the plot she has with her mother to claim her birthright.
Malina is the princess and also serves as the hero of the story and begins with her return home which creates the catalyst for the events that follow with the Zor and with Simona. She’s a compassionate princess who feels she’s not earned the title or the power which is at the root of her journey as she finds the height of her power by the growing threats from her half-sister, the Zor, and the witch. Along with her power as a princess, the story focuses on her relationship with a knight named Alberto which is a love story that provides the elements key to bringing the fairy tale to life. Malina has the strength of a hero with a destiny that unfolds throughout the story that finds her using that strength to stop an army and protect her kingdom. She breaks away from the idea of a damsel to create an empowering princess that uses this power to stand her ground against dangerous forces.
Providing balance against Malina is her half-sister Simona, the illegitimate daughter of the king with one of his servants with the sisters proving to be opposites. Simona is quite vocal with her desire to be a princess and how she envies what Malina has, which leads her and her mother to come up with the idea of reclaiming her rightful place. This desire directly goes against Malina’s fight to prove herself worthy of the title by facing an army to protect her kingdom while Simona declares herself owed the royal title simply because of who her father is. This sets up friction between the two sisters with the fate of the kingdom between them. The bad blood between the sisters is a classic trope from fairy tales with the compassionate princess and the wicked sister. Cristian captures the ideal tone and setting to create a fairy tale that feels original and new with an assortment of characters to enjoy.
The fairy tale elements are incorporated throughout the story with the princess, the knight, the love story, the wicked witch, the wicked sibling, and a dangerous army. No fairy tale would be complete without the perfect villains to contrast the hero which leads to an epic conclusion that brings the story full circle. The story is paired with lovely illustrations that are full color with fine details and vibrant colors that give you vivid peeks into this fairy-tale world. The illustrations provide stunning depictions of the characters in renditions that are reminiscent of paintings and provide greater depth for the story. You’ll get a look at the love between Malina and Alberto as well as Malina claiming her full power.