Title: The Reading of The Will
Author: Nwanganga Shields
Publisher: Black Rose Writing
ISBN: 9781684334964
Pages: 266
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Lisa Brown-Gilbert
Hollywood Book Reviews
Nigerian born author Nwanganga Shields delves skillfully into the hearts and minds of a Nigerian family in the throes of preparing for the funeral of their mother, in her 6th book focusing on life from the Nigerian perspective, The Reading of The Will.
Powerful emotions erupt when beloved family cornerstone and matriarch, Necki dies, as her children receive the news and make their way into Nigeria to plan her funeral, they are not only forced to confront the tragedy of the loss of their mother, but also have to face up to their individual relationships with her, as well as their strained relationships with one another, especially since this tragic occasion would be the first time that they gathered as adults.
Compelling from the beginning, the story draws attention and engages instantly, as the story explores the dynamics of matriarch Necki’s family as well as the marital aspects of Nigerian culture. Bringing into focus, an intensely intelligent and determined Necki, prone to difficulties with pregnancy has one child of her own, a daughter, but wants to give her husband a son which is important in Nigerian culture. To solve her problem with child bearing, she marries Onyeka, a young woman and gives her to her husband as a surrogate to impregnate, who would be able to bear children in her stead. Moreover, as within any family dynamic, as life advanced, good memories as well as bad, were made leading to for some close ties, long-held well-kept secrets, hardened feelings, and harsh resentments.
Subsequently years later, when Necki dies, her family separated by miles and family issues are forced to come together no matter what terms they were on, to honor their mother with a well put together funeral, of which each sibling was expected to contribute to financially. While some were well predisposed to contribute financially other family members were not, yet another factor leading to family tensions.
Moreover, as the family comes together, issues pervade their preparations for the funeral and memorial, as It becomes increasingly obvious that there exists a tremendous rift in the family. Particularly when it comes to money, honoring mothers (Necki vs Onyeka) and a long-held secret, of one sister Chinyere. Meanwhile, there is the promise of a will reading, a ploy of one sister to try and address the emotion rending issues within the family, however instead it turns out to be a heart-touching letter from the mother.
Fundamentally, I found The Reading of The Will to be more than just entertaining, it was edifying as well. Author Unwanganga Shields portrayed a fantastically literate and thoroughly enjoyable narrative that stylishly captured the heart of Nigerian life and culture as well as realistic family dynamics, conditions of the human psyche, emotions and uniquely posed characterizations, this was well worth the read.