Title: : The Sacred Writings of St. John the Apostle: The Biblical Scholarship Series on the New Testament Writing Modern Received Eclectic Text Compared to the Early Papyri and Uncials (4)
Author: Henry B. Malone
Publisher: TBA
Pages: TBA
Genre: Christian Books /  Bible Education
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of the things many people who come to terms with their belief system that is hard for them to fully lean into is the need for some doubt in their faith. Both faith and doubt can often create enough room for open discussion both with others and within ourselves, allowing us the room to look at new evidence as it is presented with an open mind. As Lillian Smith once said, “Faith and doubt both are needed – not as antagonists, but working side by side to take us around the unknown curve.”

In author Henry B. Malone’s The Sacred Writings of St. John the Apostle: The Biblical Scholarship Series on the New Testament Writing Modern Received Eclectic Text Compared to the Early Papyri and Uncials (4), the author takes advanced and aspiring pastors and readers down the path which many serious and well-versed Biblical scholars have gone down themselves. Examining the process in which a scholar asks first what a text is before asking what it means, the author shares the Sacred Writings of Saint John the Apostle of Jesus, and explores the color-coded Greek Script of the original received texts that have existed since its inception.

The author did a remarkable and thoughtful job of capturing the research and scholarly pursuits that professional researchers are often in need of. The detail and history behind the texts themselves was so fascinating to read about, as the original Greek translations of the texts themselves showcase the development and history behind these faiths in great and layered detail. The book deals a lot with the Book of Revelation, and the author goes into great and at times minuscule detail to showcase everything from interpretations of the text, to the passages of the letters and the Gospel that St. John originally crafted.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy scholarly and theological discussion, non-fiction books on Christianity and faith, and educational reads on Biblical studies. I found the author’s work greatly enlightening, and not only did I appreciate the history and culture that the author’s work interpreting and researching the original scripts found in these writings, but those who are studying to be a pastor or scholar of Biblical Studies will absolutely love the author’s eye for detail.

Thought-provoking, enlightening, and captivating, author Henry B. Malone’s  The Sacred Writings of St. John the Apostle: The Biblical Scholarship Series on the New Testament Writing Modern Received Eclectic Text Compared to the Early Papyri and Uncials (4) is a must-read non-fiction Christian and theological read. The wealth of information and open discussion the author’s book elicits in readers and scholars alike will keep pastors and religious-based readers truly engaged, and the in-depth historical aspect of the author’s work will keep readers invested as the text is explored in full.