Title: The Saga of Bridget and Amanda: A New Nation
Author: Carole Love-Forbes
Publisher: Create Space
ISBN: 978-1522727958
Pages: 400
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
“It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting bushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” – Samuel Adams, founding father of the United States of America. The Saga of Bridget and Amanda: A New Nation is the fourth and last volume of The Saga of Bridget and Amanda series. Readers will enjoy reading the first three volumes before immersing themselves in this spectacular read as it is not a standalone novel. This book is a continuation of the lives of Amanda and Bridget’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Amanda and Bridget were two indentures brought to the New World together with others to become wives to some of the men living in the newly founded colonies.
The book is neatly divided into two parts. The first part covers the lives of Amanda’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren in the colonies of Virginia, Maryland, Charles Town, and South Carolina. The second part details the lives of Bridget’s grandchildren and their offspring in the colonies of Boston, New York, and Philadelphia.
America was growing steadily in the 1700s and more merchants and privateers were settling in the colonies. The fashion of the day was changing and becoming more elegant and classier. Slave trade was flourishing and plantations thriving. However, there was growing discontent among the people. Britain was getting most of the profits from the colonies. Immigrants wanted freedom from unwarranted taxes such as the monstrous Sugar Act and rules and regulations which were making their lives impossible. Carole Love-Forbes thrusts readers into the lives of these families and notable historical characters against the backdrop of slave revolts, different ideologies, loss, and the independence war.
There is a lot to love about this book. Carole ensures that she gives a final send-off to all her characters and no character is left to wander off in the reader’s memory. She transports readers into the 1600s and 1700s as she portrays the activities of this era in America. I loved how the author leaves no stone unturned as she enlightens readers on the culture, politics, and way of life in the colonies.
The frequent insertion of jargon in dialogues made the story not only enjoyable but also tenable. My interest never waned. As one begins reading this fourth volume, one inevitably wonders whether these two generations ever cross paths even after their family matriarchs having been close friends on the ship. That question is wonderfully answered in this last sequel. I could go on and on about this spellbinding read but I do not want to give away any spoilers.
The Saga of Bridget and Amanda: A New Nation by Carole Love-Forbes is an exhilarating novel which will tug at the heartstrings of just about anyone. It is a series that I would undoubtedly take a front-row seat to watch on a 3D set!