Title: The Saga of Bridget and Amanda: New Challenges
Author: Carole Love-Forbes
Publisher: Create Space
ISBN: 978-1532776762
Pages: 310
Genre: Historical Fiction
Reviewed by: Lily Amanda
Hollywood Book Reviews
“Funny how life can lift you and how hope can pave your way,” affirms author Carole Love-Forbes. The Saga of Bridget and Amanda: New Challenges is the second volume in the series. It is a continuation of the story of Amanda McNeely and Bridget Wodehouse. I suggest that readers read the first book in the series to have a clear foundation of the story. Amanda marries the love of her life, Jamie MacDougal after a rough marriage with her daughter’s father, Biggs. He had earlier on died during an Indian invasion in the colony.
Bridget also marries Christopher, who assisted her move to the colony of Boston after fleeing from an abusive marriage and helped reunite her with her daughter. The plot further takes readers through the adult lives of their two daughters, Lindy and Rachel. On the other end is Esther a fair-skinned young woman of African descent, who faces prejudice from her husband Mark, and his family. These five women significantly take center stage in this engrossing novel.
Based on actual historical events, author Carole Love-Forbes has successfully managed to breathe realistic life in this tome. Further, the use of slang and pidgin in some of the conversations makes history come alive perfectly in this book. One aspect I particularly liked was the writing and the descriptions used. They were elaborate and even, making the novel relevant in the modern age.
The character development is brilliantly done. It was easy to connect with these five heroines as they survived every obstacle and still held their heads up high. It was lovely to see both Amanda and Bridget find true love in the New World after such a rough past. The author has a wonderful way of painting a picture through words making “The Saga of Bridget and Amanda: New Challenges #2 addictive and enjoyable.
Readers should prepare for a roller coaster ride with this timeless novel. It is full of suspense and is a real page-turner. I recommend the book to mature audiences due to some of its content. From the writing, one can tell the author’s appreciation for these women, often forgotten but critical elements which have shaped American history.
The Saga of Bridget and Amanda: New Challenges #2, is a wonderful candidate for lovers of historical fiction. It would easy to imagine this story being picked-up as a Netflix or Prime mini-series, as for reading, it is definitely worth the time.