Title: The Salsa King Of Scarsdale
Author: Ben Fine
Publisher: Hancock Press
ISBN: 978-1948000697
Pages: 164
Genre: General Fiction
Reviewed by: Aly Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

I believe that people of all ages, at one point or another, feel as though they are in a rut in their life. It is about what you do when you are in that metaphorical rut to change things which really will show the true person you are. This book explores that, as well as an unconventional relationship in The Salsa King Of Scarsdale by Ben Fine. The protagonist of this novel is Dr. Ira Brodsky who technically has it all — the lavish home in Westchester with his wife and kids, the great job, the fancy sports car. But none of that makes him happy and leaves him feeling nothing but dissatisfied.

Enter Inez Rodriguez, the new X-Ray Technician at Ira’s OB-GYN practice that he spontaneously hires one fateful afternoon. They quickly build up a friendly bordering on flirty rapport with one another and it becomes evident it is not only Ira who is developing feelings in this relationship. Inez seems to be falling for the successful doctor as well so that once their affair begins, it’s instantaneous fireworks between them both. At the start of their affair, Ira learns of Inez’s love of dancing — particularly salsa dancing — and lies, saying he dances too. She offers to teach him to Salsa which he agrees to — only to actually learn when he feels all else is lost.

This leads to the pivotal events that carry on throughout the rest of the novel. Ira’s new alter ego, Javier, makes him into a whole new man, one who eventually can Salsa with the best of them thanks to his special dance lessons. We begin to realize that all of the seemingly impulsive actions Ira is taking to better his life are so much more than a mid-life crisis. And in reality, he is just trying to find his happiness and who he truly is as a person.

It’s a wonderful sentiment and shows that you can always find your happiness in life, no matter how old you are, or what is expected of you. Dr. Ira Brodsky defies what is expected of him and goes against the norm of what a rich doctor should be and it turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to him. I recommend The Salsa King Of Scarsdale by Ben Fine today for a fun page-turner you will not want to miss out on!

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