Title: The Sword and the Rose: A Swiss-American Dervish in Egypt
Author: Tara Sufiana
Publisher: Go to Publish
ISBN: 978-1647493271
Pages: 270
Genre: Memoir, Travel
Reviewed by: Jennifer Bailey
Hollywood Book Reviews
Because of an unexpected adventure, Tara Sufiana finds herself spending five years living among the Sufis of Egypt. During this time, she is immersed in their mystical practices, discovering the dervish within, learning to express herself through sacred dance and music at religious festivals. Throughout her time with the Sufis and her wild adventures, her survival is based on singing and dancing for hotels, cruise ships folklore shows, T.V and film, and the crowning glory; dancing atop of the Great Pyramid. Follow Tara Sufiana on her odyssey steeped in rich culture, religion and learn more about the Middle Eastern Society.
The book opens up with Tara Sufiana describing how it feels to transition from life with the Sufis and life in Switzerland; providing the readers with a inside view of the cultural differences she experienced and will be sharing with her audience. When reading this book, it feels as if you are listening to a storyteller or reading her personal journal in that it feels intimate and immensely personal. Just from the beginning chapters readers get the sense this is a deep, enriching, life-changing memoir. She includes songs she wrote throughout her journey and some of the reactions people portrayed towards not just the song, but her as a person. It puts into perspective how one might react to someone in a similar situation.
While Tara Sufiana faced many challenges in her travels, readers see her remaining open-minded and discovering ways to interact and overcome her challenges. Her discovering the strength within makes readers want to discover their own strength. She teaches her readers that learning, and growing comes not just from inner reflection and your own experiences, but also listening to the stories and knowledge of those around you. Her story is unique and reaches out to readers of all backgrounds, cultures, religions, and stages of life.
The Sword and the Rose is a memoir which truly touches your heart and soul. It is one which audiences will keep returning to over again, and recommending to friends and family. This is a story which could change the lives of many. Tara Sufiana’s book deserves a STAR rating; it is a narrative that will stick with readers long after they have finished and will continue to think about. It is a well-written account filled with wisdom and succeeds in the author’s vision of enriching life and making it a celebration.