Title:  The Theseus Conspiracy: A CID Agent Jacqueline Sinclair Novel
Author:  Victor Alvarez
Publisher:  Black Rose Writing
ISBN: 978-1684338139
Pages:  350
Genre:  Fiction / Espionage
Reviewed by:  Philip Zozzaro

Hollywood Book Reviews

A Navy Seal Team is enroute on a dangerous mission to obtain a high value asset. Their transport must navigate waters which are fortified with explosive mines. Once they get to the asset’s location, they must free him from a high security prison. Their asset’s code name is Theseus. The assault on the prison is successful, despite the death of a member of the team. They know very little about their catch, but that many people want him incarcerated or dead. Unbeknownst to the Seal Team, a counteroffensive is on the way to nab Theseus. A conspiracy among many has been hatched. The safehouse where Theseus is kept is assaulted by Russian Agents, leaving the protection team dead and Theseus missing.

Jessica Wayne is a Major in US Army Intelligence & Security Command. She soon comes into possession of an intercepted communication with dire implications. Her possession of this information has become known and she is soon hunted. She reaches out to her best friend Jacqueline Sinclair; Jacqueline is a Chief Warrant Officer in the Criminal Investigation Office in Germany. By the time of Jacqueline being drawn into this mess, multiple bodies have been felled. There is a secret worth killing for, and she needs to deftly put the pieces together before hellfire is unleashed.

Matthew Banks is a man bent on revenge. He was utilized for his resemblance to a storied Russian spy. The US Intelligence apparatus needed Banks to double for the spy and penetrate the upper echelons of the Russian Government. However, soon things went sideways and Banks went rogue. His wife and child were executed, and Banks focused his mission on an epic scale of global destruction. His determination to avenge his betrayal is undeterred, but he underestimates his pursuers at his own peril.

The Theseus Conspiracy: A CID Agent Jacqueline Sinclair Novel by author Victor Alvarez takes off running in its fast-paced action and proceeds at a brisk pace to its action-packed climax. The writing packs all the punches of a Tom Clancy-esque cold-war nail-biter with a modern edge. The resonance of the book’s plot is terrifying with the modern tensions between East and West seemingly playing out on the Global stage. Jacqueline Sinclair is a potent heroine who acts instinctively, but also possesses a keen intellect. She is a great potential foil for the amoral Banks. This is a book that will appeal to the action lover, but also the connoisseurs of great Spy Fiction.

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