Title: The Voice of the Rooster: And the Lessons It Teaches
Author: Mrs. Ellen Beth Berman
Publisher: Ellen Beth Berman
ISBN: 978-0692529447
Pages: 80
Genre:  Inspirational & Religious Poetry/Spiritual Self-Help/Literature
Reviewed by: Tony Espinoza



Hollywood Book Reviews


While we as a people like to assume and take credit for the knowledge we obtain, sometimes it is far nobler to admit that we need help or the insight of others to show us the way forward. Other people often have insight into life as a whole that can be applied to our own way of living, especially for those who choose a more spiritual path in life. As Vincent Van Gough once said, “If one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time, insight into and understanding of many things.”

In author and poet Mrs. Ellen Beth Berman’s The Voice of the Rooster: And the Lessons It Teaches, the author explores the insights she has gained over her lifetime. Taking poetry to showcase particular insights of both a general and spiritual nature, each poem takes readers on a journey to find meaning and purpose into each and every day of our lives, and even how to develop a close and personal relationship with our own souls.

This is such a unique take on a book of poetry. What stood out immediately was the pointed direction the author’s poetry took. While poetry in general tends to be open to interpretation and allows the reader to take meaning from it as it applies to their thinking, the author here provides poetry that not only speaks emotionally but educationally as well, doling out life lessons as well as spiritual lessons to those willing to learn. The balance the author found between the vivid imagery used in the incredible writing style the poet found and the personal and emotional narrative each poem took on, was inspired to say the least.

This is the perfect read for those who enjoy poetry, especially poetry which is inspirational and religious in nature, and serves as a spiritual how-to guide for readers. I found the words and emotions that the author put behind each poem to be engaging.

An enthralling, thoughtful, and emotional book of poetry, author Mrs. Ellen Beth Berman’s The Voice of the Rooster: And the Lessons It Teaches is a must-read book. The pointed and succinct way the author conveyed each message into the poems she wrote, from the concept of unconditional love in the poem AWAITING YOU, to the way rage can overcome us and become “God” in that moment of time in her poem ANGER, made this book really inviting and thought-provoking.

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