Title: The Wizard and the Fairy Princess
Author: H.F. Galloway
Publisher: PageTurner Press and Media LLC
ISBN:  978-8-88622-747-5
Pages: 48
Genre: Fantasy/Adventure
Reviewed by: Gabriella Harrison


Hollywood Book Reviews


H.F. Galloway’s The Wizard and The Fairy Princess is an adventurous tale about a mysterious princess foretold as the savior of Crystal Realm, which has been crumbling under the harsh rule of the wicked Queen, a usurper of the throne. Through the collective work of the different species of Crystal Realm, Princess Angelica hatches in fulfilment of an ancient prophecy. To succeed in her mission of restoration, she will need all the help she can get. As fate would have it, a human has been allowed into this magical world without any restrictions (rules about what he can and can’t do in Crystal Realm) placed on him. This is a violation of the laws of the land. However, it is what he needs to play his part in liberating the oppressed people of the realm, even though he doesn’t know it yet.

The story is told in seven short chapters. The intriguing storytelling facilitates the smooth progression of the book in a way that will keep readers engaged until the end. The right amount of information is released precisely when it should be while holding back enough to keep the mystery going.

The narration alternates between the first-person with Sir Wade Wizard of Crystal Realm as the narrator and other parts of the story are told by an omniscient narrator. I liked the conversational writing, as it made me feel as if I was a part of the story. The descriptions also appealed to my senses and made it easy to imagine it all playing out.

The determination of the people of Crystal Realm to sacrifice themselves for the liberation of their land conveys essential lessons. Such lessons involve; doing what is right and not giving up, no matter how bad things look or how inexperienced one might believe oneself to be, because no one truly knows what they can achieve without trying. For a better society and world, everyone should be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

This is a good book for anyone looking for a light-hearted read, as the book has only forty-eight pages. I would recommend the book to teens and young adults, not children, due to a few portions about alcohol and killings.

The Wizard and The Fairy Princess is an intriguing tale about a mysterious princess’ fulfilment of destiny by liberating her people through teamwork and sacrifice.

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