Title: The Wrong Side of Bravery
Author: Marshall Ginevan
Publisher: PageTurner, Press and Media LLC
ISBN: 1649084986
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Pages: 290
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington
Hollywood Book Reviews
The beauty about reading The Wrong Side of Bravery is that the plot is not only entertaining, but the reader also gets to learn many lessons about life. Author Marshall Ginevan is a creative genius no doubt as his writing can be described as authentic and engaging. Reading this book was a delight as the author ensures readers gets to understand the context of each chapter before moving on to the next. Characters are gracefully selected, conversations strikingly constructed, and the flow of the story immaculate. One can only admire how amazing Marshall Ginevan’s work is. The Wrong Side of Bravery is a lovely piece of literature and a great book which should be on every avid readers’ to-be-read list.
Several elements make Marshall Ginevan stand out as an author. One of the best aspects about his writing are the vivid descriptions used when talking about people and events. Marshall Ginevan takes you “to the scene” and makes you virtually participate or just observe the action and drama.
The Wrong Side of Bravery follows the life of marine Mike Marshall. Like many other marines, Mike Marshall demonstrated his energy, skills, combat expertise and the strength he acquired over the years. This marine volunteered to Vietnam to avenge the death of his father. Will the marine be successful in his mission? I like how the author took us through the journey as Mike Marshall’s story is interesting and may even get one wanting to try that type of military life. One thing brought out about this character was how aggressive he was.
The author made Mike Marshall a distinct character. Even with the traits which your regular military guy would have, Mike Marshall got to be a little extra. Marshall Ginevan perfectly constructed this character and distinctly developed him to be a favorite among readers – even when he used unorthodox means to solve problems. How does a marine aviator get to live so many lives? Readers will follow the career of the main character, his personal life, close associates, his love life, family and the best part of all, his daring nature.
Mike Marshall is a resourceful person and many times does not know how to say no. I enjoyed reading about his romantic escapades; the women he hooked up with were as fascinating as imaginable. Through him, we also get to see the perspective of an alpha male who sometimes forget his alpha features when he found himself with the people he adores. Several themes appear in the book. Some of them include military life, government, family, loyalty, law, romance and friendships.
Marshall Ginevan’s exceptional narration is evident in that the themes appear natural with the flow of the story. The Wrong Side of Bravery is a story about knowing when to stop. Trying to be everyone’s hero may bring more harm to you. While it is good to be on the right side of the law and fight evil, one also needs to be cautious of the battles they pick.
People who enjoy historical fiction or non-fiction novels, especially military books will really appreciate The Wrong Side of Bravery.