Title: Thus I Came: Voiceless Short Stories
Author: Tien C. Lee
Publisher: GoldTouch Press, LLC
ISBN: 978-1952155901
Pages: 358
Genre: Education & Teaching/Schools & Teaching
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina
Hollywood Book Reviews
While school and a proper education are the foundations of any modern society, life is often filled with lessons to be learned, some of which can only be learned in life events and not within a classroom. Often, we can learn those lessons from those closest to us in life. As Tom Bodett once said, “In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.”
In author Tien C. Lee’s Thus I Came: Voiceless Short Stories, the author relates personal experiences throughout his life which have come to define him, and in relation hopes to share those experiences with others. From the lessons learned as parents, grandparents and children from our youth to the lessons a child learns from their mothers and military service, the author conveys a long list of lessons aiming how to cast a lifetime of education in various aspects of the author’s life.
Serving as part memoir and part short-story collection, the author does an excellent job of showcasing the complex and layered lessons many people learn throughout their lives, in particular the author’s life. The writing is straightforward yet spoken with honesty and experience, allowing the author’s life experiences to resonate with the reader. The stories the author shares of lives range from the humorous lessons learned from our children and grandchildren to more serious and emotional lessons learned from struggling parents – or even the more grand lessons taught to us by our ancestors and their own lives.
This is the perfect read for those who enjoy memoirs, personal-stories, and short story formats. As a fan of that genre of storytelling, I found the author’s life to be fascinating and powerfully written. The author writes in a way which is very descriptive, and paints an image in the reader’s mind. One particular story early on about the author’s mother and her struggles to keep their family together showcased the author’s lesson not only to strive for quality in all things, but to find the brighter tomorrow waiting for us all. This lesson felt especially close to home, as was the wise lessons we can all learn from our own mothers.
A powerful, at times emotional and overall engaging read, author Tien C. Lee’s Thus I Came: Voiceless Short Stories is a must-read book. Relatable, informative and impactful, the author’s story really does create an emotional bond between the reader and his story, and keeps readers invested in every lesson and story he imparts throughout this book.