Title: Treachery and the Innocent
Author: Rockie Sue
Publisher: Rockie Sue Books
ISBN: 9780578204673
Pages: 257
Genre: Religious & Inspirational Fiction
Reviewed by: Rae C. Bernard

Hollywood Book Reviews

We spend each day narrowly focused on everything that occurs in our life without much thought as to many ‘whys.’ Life will always have its challenges and if we don’t believe that spiritual forces are surrounding us 24/7, then we aren’t as in-tuned with ourselves as we should. Others might believe differently than the population of Christians, or those who believe in God. Our faith plays a huge role in our individual lives because it’s our assistance of decision making throughout our lifetime. Some have been completely engulfed by certain spirits that aren’t so holy, leading them to believing everything they do badly is in correlation to a higher power. Regardless, becoming a difficult member of society does more harm to more people than imagined. Everyone would like to believe that there is someone or something out there in the Universe that is watching over them, to ensure their safety and security. The world can be an amazing yet cruel place to live, it’s nice to know that you’re protected within your faith.

In Treachery and the Innocent, author Rockie Sue provides a scenario that can ruin a few people’s life, while also introducing her readers to testimonies about God. Colonel David Finley and Lieutenant Vance Coolie are brothers by law who were associates of the CIA in the states, while Ishmael the Iraqi nephew of Commander Ishmael Pahlavi tries to take matters into his own hands to gain his brother Nebajoth’s freedom. Nebajoth is a known terrorist, taking after his uncle Commander Pahlavi and attempted to commit his evil crimes in the United States and was immediately captured. Ishmael thought it a great idea to save his brother and rescue him by devising a plan for Vance Coolie for the list of names involved in the mission to capture his brother, as a way to seek revenge. The only relative living in the states is Ishmael’s cousin Shema, which he asked for her help in the matter to kidnap Vance.

During the kidnapping, as readers will discover, there are multiple sides involved, humans, angels, and demons. You’ll read thoughts spoken from all three because as humans, we are constantly feeding our angels with good deeds or our demons with bad deeds. Unfortunately, being the tyrant and most feared individual Commander Pahlavi is, in knowing Shema’s involvement in an unsanctioned mission with Ishmael, had the ultimate punishment for her. If she would not successfully commit the tasks provided, he would enslave her and sell her to the highest bidder, where she would become one for four wives and won’t complete her medical studies in the states. With the assumption that her cousin suffered tragically, she’s carrying out this mission for her freedom, regardless of how kind David’s wife, Kara and her friend Mary are to Shema. Trying to understand the thought process of Commander Pahlavi to instruct Shema in framing the same individual that was kidnapped is just absurd. One would only hope that people will come to their senses in realizing they’re doing wrong and consequences would be much worse than those of the world. Life is complicated as is, that’s why faith exists to help those find their way through this difficult journey. Those who are seekers of truth and peace tend to be the happiest individuals.

I truly enjoyed reading this book for the spiritual aspects of it. It allows witnessing of what it’s like to deal in life as a human and our decision making. There’s always a small voice talking to us, whether encouraging us to do something or steering us in different directions because they can foresee outcomes when we can’t. Usually, they’re referred to as our conscience but in actuality, they’re just angels and demons committing to their tasks. What stood out to me the most was the conflicted emotions of Ishmael who is Muslim, doing things according to Allah to have that moment drowning in the sea to seek help from “the other” God. He realized that the Christianity God only wants to love, protect and save people, while Allah wants to cause destruction and evil deeds in his name. This testimony of his would be a clear indication of the many works that God has performed, regardless if an individual doesn’t truly believe in him as he knows one day they will.

The author did a phenomenal job at writing this piece, it has a lot of aspects such as character development, spiritual realization and warfare, forgiveness, redemption, and faith. The ability to feel like a witness while reading this book has been amazing as it has multiple layers and goes in depth about being human. I highly recommend this book to everyone that would enjoy a page turner, follow along with the warriors of angels and soldiers of demons as they maintain the balance of good and evil, while speaking as intuitive voices that is relatable to all humans alike.

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