Title: Turning the Tide: A fresh vision for a better future
Author: Patrick Gray
Contributor: James Emerson
Publisher: Independent Publishing Network
ISBN: 1789723477
Genre: Non-Fiction
Pages: 106
Reviewed by: Aaron Washington

Hollywood Book Reviews

In Turning the Tide: A fresh vision for a better future, the author and contributor lay facts, expound on specifics in British politics and analyze reality on the ground. The intent of the author, contributor and the radical party, in general, is to enlighten readers on issues that affect the society, politics of the day and how Britain can stand out to the world.

I like the arrangement of topics in the book. One is introduced to the problem, causes of the problem and methods people can use to solve pertinent issues. The reader is made to understand how the mess was created in the introduction. The author talks about poverty, how failure by the rich to pay taxes as they should affect the masses, how lack of education and proper jobs affect the less fortunate and how political influence and control of information is dangerous.

It was eye-opening to read how Britain went from being the second most equal large European country in the 1970s to the second most unequal in Europe and the fourth most unequal of 24 OECD industrialised nations in the present day. By reading this book, you will clearly see how and why things went wrong both politically and economically in Britain. It is unfortunate that the gap between the poor and the rich is so wide in Northern Europe. The good news is that the radical party has proposals in place that will aid in tightening the gap and help the country reclaim its position on the global map. One solution offered was the incorporation of honest and accountable politics.

In Turning The Tide, the author states that evidence-based policy-making is the way to go. He breaks this point down by explaining that passing laws in reaction to media campaigns rather than objective evidence results in poor legislation. He gave the 2016 referendum as an example where politicians failed to listen to experts and their opinions and instead chose to focus on lies that were being peddled by the mainstream media. Other solutions are given in relation to having accountable politics was to reform the upper chamber, make tough electoral laws, and have good governance in parliament. Through the text in the book, you learn about the country’s history and the genesis of some poor policies.

I recommend this book to readers who want to read fresh, non-partisan and unbiased content concerning British politicians and how they govern the country. In this book you will be aware of historical messes, the day to day political affects the common citizens and what can be done to make Britain have a better future. This is not just a political book, it is an important publication that is needed to clean the clutter that was created by past policymakers in Britain. The expounding of points was done brilliantly for any average reader to comprehend. The book is informative and enlightening. Get ready to be educated about democracy, the voting system, freedoms, and the future of Britain with Europe and the world.

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