Title: Uff Da! What’s Happening In Midnight Sun?
Author: Karen Ganger
Publisher: URLink Print and Media, LLC
ISBN: 978-1-64753-772-2
Pages: 308
Genre: Fiction
Reviewed by: Aly Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

For me, as an avid reader, there is always a book genre for whatever type of mood I am in that day. Some days I want to indulge in a romance, other days I want to immerse myself in a fantasy world, and then there are the days I want to enjoy a wholesome book that is purely there to put a smile on my face. That is exactly how I felt when reading Uff Da! What’s Happening In Midnight Sun? by author Karen Ganger.

Midnight Sun, Minnesota is primarily a town full of Northern European culture and charm. Known for its Scandinavian roots, the townspeople have an interesting life and plenty of stories to tell in this picturesque place. Even the term in the title of this novel, “Uff Da!” is from the Norwegian language and is an exclamation that could mean anything good, bad, or in between during a conversation. As soon as I began to read this book, I was immediately drawn to the ways it depicts the culture of this area. The attention to detail is quite incredible.

In the plot of this tale, the people of the town are in the thick of Thanksgiving week, preparing to celebrate the holiday and keep their traditions going which they’ve had for generations. We meet many people in the area, including some of the senior citizens with colorful pasts and engaging stories to tell. We also meet a young girl who is on the search for a strawberry ice cream cone that ends up setting off a chain of events in the town that will directly affect many in Midnight Sun.

The ease with which the author writes to engage her readers and make them feel as though they are in Midnight Sun themselves, about to celebrate the annual holiday of Thanksgiving with everyone else in town, is truly astounding and shows what a gifted writer Karen Ganger truly is. Especially when meeting the Viking Pillagers who are comprised of four lifelong friends; you feel as though you are right at home, enjoying their humor and the warmth of their presence that they would all surely bring.

For anyone looking for a feel-good story that reminds you of home and the importance of honoring traditions, this story is certainly for you. Don’t miss out on this one and pick up your copy of Uff Da! What’s Happening In Midnight Sun? by Karen Ganger today!

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