Title: Un-Shackled!
Author: Julie Verzani Potter
Publisher: Xulon Press
ISBN: 978-1622303229
Genre: Humor/Love & Romance/Parenting & Relationships
Pages: 234
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

For many in life, the path to a fulfilling and rich life lies within the world of faith and faith based services. Finding something to believe in and dedicating your life to that ideal is a way for many to life powerfully moral and fulfilling lives. As Saint Augustine once said, “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.”

In author Julie Verzani Potter’s book, “Un-Shackled!”, the author tells a humorous, often eye-opening memoir about her own life of brushing through fame for a brief period and spending her life defining her relationship with God. From meeting celebrities and traveling the world to the unbelievable jobs with companies like Disney and the Grand Ole Opry, the author begins the first in a trilogy of memoirs that detail her growing life and love for Jesus Christ and her faith overall.

A highly personal, spiritual and engaging read, the author does a masterful job of bringing her target audience a one of a kind story. Entertaining and yet relatable all at once, the author uses her past experiences and the major events of her life to highlight the growing relationship she has with Jesus Christ. Her interactions with stars like Sylvester Stallone of course will be memorable to readers and eye-grabbing, and the story is entertaining to read. The author then shifts into the evolving faith she commands and how it grew to a point where she became dedicated to it fully, making this a truly special read in religious readerships.

This is a book written for those who are religious, particularly Christian/Catholic, and readers who enjoy personal stories from authors who have both brushed fame and come out the other side to dole out an equally humbling and emotional journey of faith such as the one the author went on.

This was a memorable, fast-paced and pointed read that readers will not be able to get enough of in religious readers. Author Julie Verzani Potter’s “Un-Shackled!” is a memorable, faith-inspiring read for those who have ever struggled with defining their beliefs and are searching for others who have undergone similar experiences of their own. Be sure to grab your copy today!

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