Title: Urban Faery: A Modern Fantasy
Author: Angela Savidge
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1985385993
Pages: 144
Genre: Literature/Metaphysical & Visionary Fiction/Sports Romance
Reviewed by: Anthony Avina

Hollywood Book Reviews

One of the literary world’s greatest joys is transforming fantasy into escapes from reality. As Maya Angelou once said, “If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities.” In author Angela Savidge’s book Urban Faery: A Modern Fantasy, fantasy becomes reality for one aspiring actress after she is rescued by a mysterious stranger, who propels her into a fantastic new world she never imagined possible.

In this book, Cate, an aspiring actress who is beginning to feel as if life in Hollywood is not what she had hoped it would be, finds herself caught in a dangerous swell in the ocean and dragged out to sea, only to be rescued by a handsome surfer named Luc. Soon, however, she discovers this mystery man is no ordinary human, but the descendent of the mythological race known as the Fae, forcing Cate to question the world around her.

This is a brilliant blend of modern-day fantasy set against the backdrop of Hollywood, the land once known as the dream factory, and the culture of Southern California and Los Angeles in particular. The way the author not only creates this modern-day mythology for the Fae, but pairs it perfectly with the retrospective look into our own culture’s idea of fantasy becoming reality, makes this such an engaging read.

This is a novel for anyone who enjoys fantasy books that employ a sense of cinematic wonder, and works of visionary fiction. As a fan of the fantasy genre, it was refreshing to see such a unique approach to the genre and explore the fiction versus reality aspect of our own concepts of fantasy in the real world.

A moderately short yet complex and in-depth read, this fantasy novel is a phenomenal work of fiction that expertly interweaves two distinct genres and storytelling aspects into one cohesive and entertaining narrative. Author Angela Savidge’s Urban Faery: A Modern Fantasy is a must read novel that could just as easily translate into a thought-provoking television or film project, and must be read to be believed.

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