Title: Your Destiny is Inside You
Author: Ana Pat
Publisher: Independently published
ISBN: 978-1698908267
Genre: Spirituality
Pages: 201
Reviewed by: Nicole Olson
Hollywood Book Reviews
In Your Destiny is Inside You, author Ana Pat manifests beliefs and truths about the Universe and humanity’s relation with it. It states “everything is energy” and “everything is one.” This book is for people with spiritual beliefs or want to explore New Age ways of thinking and approaching the Universe. While some may not share the same beliefs or views stated in the book, I enjoyed reading about Ana Pat’s life experiences. There is a truth and value in some “letting go in life” and I believe everyone can benefit from hearing that once in a while.
Another truth Ana Pat states is “You are only limited by your own beliefs.” I say something along these lines to my friends and family all the time. I do believe that it is true – we are all capable of attaining our dreams, and most of the time the only thing standing in our way is our own self-doubt. Ana Pat takes a deeper dive into this concept by first explaining consciousness. This is quite the topic in the book. Your Destiny is Inside You does a thorough job of describing our consciousness and how our conscious state effects our daily life, our mood, and the way we approach challenges and problems.
This book is full of knowledge and information about the inner-self and our inner-world. Ana Pat also claims our own thoughts can be our greatest source of harm. Think about the voice you spend the most amount of time listening to – it is your own, in your head. This voice can do a great deal of damage and effect everything around us – not only how we feel but how we perceive others and their ideas about us. If someone has a hostile and negative inner-voice, they may feel others have hostile thoughts about them as well, even when this is not true.
I have come across many of these truths and beliefs in my life before; shared by teachers, friends, sprinkled across social media, but I was never enlightened to understand them. Ana Pat dives deep into the topics of consciousness and how we can free ourselves from the demons residing in our own thoughts.
This book teaches that no matter what there is always hope, you can always take control of your life anytime you want to. The book teaches you amazing hacks and tricks that you can start doing to change your thinking pattern or conditional thinking. Your Destiny is Inside You can help tame anxiety and depressive thoughts that plague so many people on a daily basis. I would recommend this book to anyone who is wanting clarity on how to live the life we were put on earth to experience.